Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hmm whoever TA is.. I don't think its funny.

Anyway, Well I haven't spoken much about my classes have I?
Basically, i have to redo everything I have already learnt. Its in greater detail though but its still more or less the same thing. However, I am messing up because I keep thinking the wrong things..

Anyway currently, I'm doing Mathematics for honor students(aka DIE). And general physics and general Chemistry. And a course on writing. Yes!! you have to continue to do English in Uni. Those teachers who tell you that GP is the last thing you will ever do for english are lying. You will have to do Writing(aka english) in uni. So yea..

So the thing is, i screwed up one physics test because i forgot that inertia exists. (i forgot that if you throw a ball from a car, it will travel at the same velocty as the car). And for physics, i did not put all my effort in the hw that was due and handed it in not done properly.
So I pretty much screwed up a fraction of my phy score.(ie 2-3%)

Ok so leave that alone.

All right, i wanna post some picture and at present, i do not have any.. (i can search the web but that will be stupid) so ill wait till i get some and then post those)

Other things, I want food.. lol im officially tired of pizza and salad everyday. I want sth like maybe chicken rice or even food from the Sg Macs. The mac here tastes so different.
Yup pizza is making me gain wait. and i do not find time to lose it.
Talking about time, i will be starting to work in a short while. So i will have a bit of money to spend.. YEAH..

The pay here is good. Flexible hours(well not really). and US$8.25/hr
Thats all for now.

7:08 PM